Wednesday, 4 February 2015

Postcards from Torino - I

Last October we visited the Italian city of Torino again, for a Juventus football match.  Since I have quite a bit of backlog in my travel posts I'm just posting photos instead of writing so much.  Well, I guess most readers skip all the 'bla bla bla' anyway and just scroll through the pictures!  At least, that's what I often do when I read travel posts unless I'm really looking for something specifically, such as where to stay and eat.  And photos usually speak for themselves.  So here goes.  

Welcome to Turin.  Enjoy!

// F'Ottubru li għadda erġajna żorna l-belt Taljana ta' Torino biex naraw logħoba futbol tal-Juventus.  Peress li għadni ftit lura mhux ħażin f''posts' fuq l-ivjaġġar, qed nitfa biss ritratti minflok ħafna kitba.  Ifhem, naħseb ħafna nies jaqbżu l-ħafna paroli u 'bla bla bla' xorta waħda u jaraw biss ir-ritratti.  Għall-inqas ngħid għalija, spiss nagħmel hekk meta nkun qed nara xi 'posts' fuq l-ivjaġġar, sakemm ma nkunx qed infittex xi ħaġa speċifika, bhal fejn nista noqgħod u niekol.  U r-ritratti normalment jitkellmu waħedhom.  Allura inqas kliem u aktar ritratti...

Merħba f'Turin!  Ħudu gost!

xoxo Ruth

Saturday, 31 January 2015

We're engaged!

I am very excited to share with you guys that Alan and I got engaged.  After sharing the good news with family and friends, I was very eager to finally be able to share this great news with you on the blog!  We're still as excited as ever!
Alan gave me the ring on his birthday, December 23.   Christmas 2014 is definitely one I will never forget.

There was no ‘on-bended-knee’ proposal and I never felt like I was waiting for him to do anything. Everything happened over a period of time. Since our first days together when we started dating, we had always talked openly about marriage, children and our future in general. So it was never a question of whether we’d get married but just a matter of when. 

Tuesday, 6 January 2015

The end of Christmas season in Malta

For us Roman Catholics, the holiday season officially ends today, the Epiphany on the 12th day of Christmas.