Last October we visited the Italian city of Torino again, for a Juventus football match. Since I have quite a bit of backlog in my travel posts I'm just posting photos instead of writing so much. Well, I guess most readers skip all the 'bla bla bla' anyway and just scroll through the pictures! At least, that's what I often do when I read travel posts unless I'm really looking for something specifically, such as where to stay and eat. And photos usually speak for themselves. So here goes.
Welcome to Turin. Enjoy!
// F'Ottubru li għadda erġajna żorna l-belt Taljana ta' Torino biex naraw logħoba futbol tal-Juventus. Peress li għadni ftit lura mhux ħażin f''posts' fuq l-ivjaġġar, qed nitfa biss ritratti minflok ħafna kitba. Ifhem, naħseb ħafna nies jaqbżu l-ħafna paroli u 'bla bla bla' xorta waħda u jaraw biss ir-ritratti. Għall-inqas ngħid għalija, spiss nagħmel hekk meta nkun qed nara xi 'posts' fuq l-ivjaġġar, sakemm ma nkunx qed infittex xi ħaġa speċifika, bhal fejn nista noqgħod u niekol. U r-ritratti normalment jitkellmu waħedhom. Allura inqas kliem u aktar ritratti...
Merħba f'Turin! Ħudu gost!
xoxo Ruth
Wednesday, 4 February 2015
Saturday, 31 January 2015
We're engaged!
Alan gave me the ring on his birthday, December 23. Christmas 2014 is definitely one I will never
There was no ‘on-bended-knee’ proposal and I never felt like I was waiting
for him to do anything. Everything happened over a period of time. Since our
first days together when we started dating, we had always talked openly about
marriage, children and our future in general. So it was never a question of
whether we’d get married but just a matter of when.
Sunday, 25 January 2015
Tuesday, 6 January 2015
The end of Christmas season in Malta
For us Roman Catholics,
the holiday season officially ends today, the Epiphany on the 12th day of
Saturday, 3 January 2015
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